Monday, November 18, 2013

Air "Quotes"

Are we ever really quoting ourselves?

Quotes are used to refer to things that make argumentative points stronger, or to make people think; but air quotes are the ugly step sister of these written beauties.

Most of the time the air quotes are simply used to offend people, to make a funny joke. Some one may be expecting one answer, like when a girl tells a guy 'I love you,' she expects him to say, 'I love you too;' but if we throw some air quotes around the important word - love  - 'I "love" you too,' it becomes a horribly offensive statement - especially when she was serious about it.

Air quotes are close to sarcasm, but are a little different. When used, the phrase put inside the air quotes is immediately noted to be taken in jest, and often as the opposite of what they really mean. They can be sneaky little things, that almost look like devil horns growing out of the word, making it sinful and harsh.

Many times they are funny, but it's up to the other person to decide how far they go, and we all know that they will take it too far.

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